Living while dying

Jill faces down death in her podcast Still Jill.

How do you do what Australia’s ABC radio announcer Jill Emberson is doing and live knowing you will die? No, no, no – I don’t mean how do you live with that terrible truth in the background, that we all have to face. I mean how do you live knowing … Read more

Author Leah Kaminsky shares her insights

When I first started writing my book We’re All Going To Die there weren’t many public conversations on the subject of death, but since then it has really moved along. Sadly, however, it hasn’t moved fast enough.  I’d like to see death education brought more widely into medical schools, for … Read more

Facebook etiquette when someone dies

by Rachel Thompson, Mashable. When someone you love passes away, turning to Facebook can be a profoundly helpful way of processing that loss and expressing your grief. But, for the deceased’s nearest and dearest, social media can be deeply overwhelming and upsetting in the immediate aftermath and even the long … Read more

The deathbed vision

“With impending death, the circulation slows, the heartbeat weakens, and the breathing gets slower or more irregular, but just as the heart beat and breathing case, the brain seems to have a burst of activity.” – So says Dr Michael Barbato in a recent interview. The interview can be found … Read more

A great description of palliative care

Palliative care: Provides relief from pain and other distressing symptoms Affirms life and regards dying as a normal process Intends to neither hasten nor postpone death Integrates the psychological and spiritual aspects of patient care Offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death. I … Read more