Caring for others and your self is one of the most important jobs in this world...and it is often not easy.
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Amazon is selling A Good Death: a compassionate and practical guide to prepare for the end of life.
Click here to read a sample chapter of A Good Death
A Good Death by Margaret Rice is available to purchase via Booktopia or Dymocks.
Also read:
- A Good Life to the End: Taking control of our inevitable journey through ageing and death by Ken Hillman
- Any Ordinary Day by Leigh Sales
In August 2019, Margaret Rice was a guest of the Canberra Writer’s Festival.
“Two universal events bookend our lives: we are all born and we will all die. But we live in a period of intense death denial. Why is it that we cannot have a conversation about death and dying? With the recent legislation of euthanasia in Victoria, has the ultimate taboo been broken? Journalist and author of the successful blog Good Grief! and A Good Death, Margaret Rice joins Suharsha Kanathigoda, Director of Palliative Care ACT and Melissa Reader, CEO of LifeCircle Australia in a candid and compassionate conversation.”
Margaret Rice, author Neil Humphreys and broadcaster Jason Dasey talked about the grief over the unexpected death of someone much loved on Singapore Radio’s Money FM.
Professor Joe Ibrahim has a funny and easily accessible way of helping people ask ‘inappropriate questions’ about the end of life.
The Loss and Hope organisation made the following video to help the everyday person support the bereaved.
Gather My Crew’s community-based volunteering allows people to ‘lend a hand’ in their local area without having to commit to permanent shifts or specific activities.
ELDAC provides information, guidance, and resources to health professionals and aged care workers to support palliative care and advance care planning to improve the care of older Australians.
The Groundswell Project works with individuals, organisations and communities to improve how people in Australia die, care and grieve.
Good Grief workshops, events, discussions and panels will be listed here and included in our email newsletter. Please sign up for our newsletter to be advised of upcoming events.
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