Here are some documents discussed at our Mosman Seniors Centre session today. It doesn’t matter whether you were there or not, these might be useful.
Take our easy two question survey.
And if you take our simple two question survey today, you could be in the draw to get a free coffee at Chaos Coffee Shop (every fifth entry.)
We just want to know from everyday people like you:
What is your biggest question about dying?
What is your biggest fear about dying?
Four things to think about.
- Your advance care dirertive
- Your enduring guardian
- Your will
- Your power of attorney.
Making an advance care directive.
In NSW this document gives guidelines for hospital staff and is the current one. It is a document they are most likely to have in mind when they discuss your end of life care with you.
NSW Ambulance care plans.
Until recently NSW Ambulance had its own authorised care plan system. But this system is changing and NSW Ambulance staff now want to work with your advance care directive. The goal is to unify communication so everyone is working from the one document.
Do I need a will?
Wills are always a popular topic at out talks. One question has come in: In NSW, if I die without a will, will my assets automatically go to the state?
The answer is no. They will be distributed to your family, but in a way that you have no say in. Having a will gives you control over how your assets are distributed. Someone said recently, “My brother will know what I want.” But if you haven’t written a will, there’ll be nothing written down to show what you wanted. And if you want him to help after you’re gone, ask him to be an executor.
And just remember – no point saying how you want your funeral to go in your will. This is read after you’ve been buried!
For more on this go to:
More Resources.
Here are some more ideas to think about.