
Join us in Mosman – ‘Understand Death Better’.

Join us on Monday February 20, 2023 - all welcome.
Join us on Monday February 20, 2023 – all welcome.

Slip in at lunch time. The session will go for an hour, from 12 noon until 1pm, and we’d love to see you.

Mosman Seniors Centre, Mosman Square, 12noon-1pm, Monday February 20.

Coffee, tea and sandwiches will be provided.

At the beginning of the session, we’ll invite you to answer two questions:

What is your biggest question? What is your biggest fear?

You can give your answers now. Fill in this form and press the submit button.

When you fill in the form you go in the draw to win a free coffee at Chaos Cafe, Mosman Square, just beside the Mosman Square Seniors Centre, where our event is being held.

Thank you to our generous sponsors for the event, Autonomy First Lawyers and Flourix Wealth Financial Advisers.