October 2024
A note from founder, Margaret Rice
Thank you for visiting the GoodGrief! website.
Recently, I have been reflecting on the journey of building GoodGrief! into one of Australia's largest repositories for information on grief.
It is now time for me to communicate a big decision: after 12 years, I am ‘retiring’ from the death and grief space.
It has been such a rich and rewarding journey. When I asked my mother if I could write about her impending death, I thought I’d be at the task for six months.
But it led to a book, this website, public meetings and many opportunities to support and share ideas with a wide range of people.
The goal was to challenge the assumptions that existed at the time of her death, to help improve approaches to this most significant and difficult life experience.
Much has changed, although some things have remained the same and I hope I’ve contributed something positive in this space.
But it’s time for me to move on. Once a solicitous daughter I’m a curious grandmother now and new experiences beckon.
Thank you to all those people who’ve been interviewed by me, who sat and answered questions – who’ve shared ideas.
Thank you to those who’ve written for GoodGrief! and to the many who’ve been involved in the unseen aspects of its development, especially my website manager Cynthia, who’s helped create a strong and secure home for it.
Please continue to use and share, acknowledging this website as the source.
I will check my emails, semi-regularly for those who need to get in touch.
All the very best to you, valued reader, as you navigate life, death and grief.
Margaret Rice

For urgent support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or text/sms on 0477 13 11 14. Their website has more information https://www.lifeline.org.au/
If you would like support to work through your grief, contact Griefline on tel: 1300 845 745 or website https://griefline.org.au/
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