practical tips to get you through

What happens when a child wants to talk about death?

Debbie Pepin, convenor of the

This article was updated on August 3, 2022. In Debbie Pepin’s case (pictured) the adults got her into trouble for wanting to talk about death. Debbie who lives in Austin, Texas, USA is a speaker, writer, entrepreneur, educator, and advocate for talking openly about and making plans for the one certainty … Read more

Contact, listen and bless.

Contact, listen and bless - the bereaved need support but often we step back

What do you say to someone who’s recently been bereaved? “Contact, listen and bless,” says the UK’s At A Loss organisation. The bless is “shower with good things”. At A Loss’s tips include: make contact, even if you’re unsure about it call, don’t video call be prepared to leave a … Read more

Four planning steps – sounds complicated but they’re not.

Join us at North Sydney Rotary on March 5

We had a great discussion about the things you need to do to be well- organised in the event of your demise, at the North Sydney Rotary lunchtime meeting, from 1pm March 5, 2020. The organisers said we had a ‘full house’ with every member attending. The following list might … Read more

Your will: a popular topic.

Wills and funerals - topics at the talks we've held on end of life.

One of the topics people most want to talk about is wills, when we get together to chat at talks on the subject of preparing for a good death. It’s best to get individual advice from a lawyer, who can drill down into your very particular circumstances. But here are … Read more

At our Rotary North Sydney Sunrise breakfast we talked about your paperwork.

Join our Rotary Club of North Sydney Sunrise talk at the Piato, McMahons Point, 7am, Feb 11.

Good Grief took a few tips from our ‘compassionate and practical guide to prepare for the end of life’ to breakfast on Tuesday morning, February 11. I was the guest of Rotary Club’s North Sydney Sunrise group, where we focused on four important parts of your planning: Your will Your … Read more