Do people need us at the end of life? Caring for the dying.

The Modern ‘Art of Dying’

Two images of the ars moriendi - The Art of Dying

Here are 11 ideas to help us develop a better approach to dying in the modern era. In medieval times before most people could read, they used to rely on 11 little illustrations called the ‘ars moriendi’, which means ‘The Art of Dying’, to help them. To be honest, they … Read more

There is no such thing as unconscious.

Margaret Rice interviews Michael Barbato, pic courtesy NSNC.

Dr Michael Barbato recently made a big claim: “There is no such thing as unconsciousness.” He said this when I interviewed him for North Sydney Community Centre’s Conversations about Death and Dying. “Can you share with us, what the latest wisdom is, about the experience of the unconscious when somebody … Read more