
Sponsored Article: a coaching course to manage grief?

Have you ever considered a coaching course to manage grief? A coaching course can be an effective way to manage grief because of what it teaches you about self-coaching.

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Heal Yourself and Others With Coaching

“We understand that coping with grief and loss can be an overwhelming journey,” says Ben Harvey of Authentic Education.”

“While it’s important to get help from others, imagine for a moment there’s someone else who can help you…

  • Someone you could turn to every time you need help
  • Someone who knows you intimately… your likes and dislikes
  • Someone you could be completely open with and share your deepest secrets
  • A trusted advisor you can rely on for the rest of your life… and who will never charge you a single cent.

“If you haven’t guessed already, the someone we’re talking about is YOU,” Ben says.

A coaching course can be an effective way to manage grief.

But how do you learn to coach yourself?

Self-coaching is very similar to something you have probably been doing all your life anyhow… self-talk. Except with self-coaching, you now have effective strategies to create true transformation in your life.

But how do you learn to coach yourself?

This month Benjamin J Harvey, a renowned International Coach Federation certified coach and trainer, and Authentic Education are running an online course via Zoom.

The event is called “How To Become A Highly Successful Coach”.

While the course teaches anyone to become a highly successful coach, a component and powerful technique covered in the course is “self-coaching”. We believe self-coaching will be valuable for individuals looking to manage their grief as it will enable them to navigate and heal from their grief with greater resilience and self-awareness.

We belief self-coaching will be valuable for individuals looking to manage their grief as it will enable tjem to navigate and heal from their grief with greater resilience and self-awareness.

Authentic Education.

The Zoom Event was created for:

  • People who want to heal themselves from grief, anxiety, trauma, fear, self-doubt or any negative emotion holding them back in life
  • People who are curious about the possibility of becoming a coach
  • It’s also for those  who have an existing business and want to improve their skills and grow their business.

The event is free because just like Zoom, Spotify and Gmail, it uses the freemium marketing method. These deliver great value upfront and some people decide to enquire about their premium programs which makes it a win-win for everyone.

Get your GoodGrief! ticket here.

A coaching course can be helpful to manage grief because of what it teaches you about self-coaching.

To learn more or get your complimentary ticket, click here now.

To find out more about Ben Harvey, see this article in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Here are other articles on the Good Grief! website about different ways to help you with your grief.