Don’t forget the Living with Grief seminar on Saturday, September 10, 2022. This is open to everybody – although we do ask you to register. (See details below.)
I’m the facilitator and it’s been organised by the Calvary Bereavement Counselling Service, Kogarah.
Good Grief! has been digging away, learning more about the impacts of grief and how to help people manage these.
Did you know that when you experience a death of someone you love in a hospital setting, there are experts from a range of disciplines who can support you?
There are social workers, pastoral carers and counsellors. Even the palliative care consultants whose main focus was the patient, have information they can share with you that could help you feel better about what has happened.
Make sure you let the people at the hospital know you would like to talk to someone.
Last week some of our “Living with Grief Seminar” panel got together (over an internet cuppa!) to finalise our approach to the day.
The team at Calvary are sooo impressive and Adele Elliott has invited some fantastic people to join the panel for what will be a warm and supportive day.
Find out more here about the Calvary Bereavement Counselling Service, Kogarah.
Read our interview with Adele Elliott here.
Read our article Does the internet help our grief – or make it worse? here
And follow the link below to see how the Fab Five helped Todd overcome his grief.
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