
Our new Resource Hub is here and we’re over the moon!

MissKateCuttables - the cow jumped over the moon -

Our little team here at Good Grief! is over the moon!

The mission of Good Grief! is to provide articles, newsletters, resources, and workshops for grief management & end of life discussion and we’ve just improved the way we do it.

Cynthia, our graphic designer, has added the finishing touches to our new Resource Hub, which went live at the end of last week.

We’ve always had an Articles index, in alphabetical order, to help you find our articles. But with more than 300 entries that’s becoming increasingly difficult to navigate.

When you’re coping with dying, death and grief, your feedback showed us you want information and help with the following five categories – 1) I am experiencing grief, 2) I want to plan a good death, 3) I am caring for myself and others, 4) I want to connect with community, 5) I want to understand Covid-19.

So we’ve laid out all our information within those categories and all you have to do is click on the ‘Access Resources’ button to reach it.

Good Grief Resource Hub

Here’s a little more about those headings. At the end of every article is a set of links to resources to help you.

I am experiencing grief

Under this category you’ll find information and resources to help you navigate grief – caused in all different ways and by so many different life experiences. We lead you to webinars, government led initiatives, innovations provided by businesses, services and everything in between.

I want to plan a good death

For those who want to get things organised, for their own peace of mind and also to ease the stress on their family when they themselves die. (Anyone who’s had to pick up scattered threads in that department knows there’s a need here!) You might want more information about how to organise your finances, your funeral, your advance care directive. You might want to know what you should ask doctors, lawyers, your bank manager and a whole range of others people providing services and resources you didn’t even know existed.

I am caring for myself and others

This is helpful for those who want to find out about medical services, medical research, and other social developments – not just for themselves but also for others. For example, you might be the one responsible for negotiating palliative care for a parent or a spouse and you might want the latest information.

I want to connect with community

This category is already big – but will grow! Yes, you’ve read the articles about what to do and how to seek help. This category is designed to link you directly to all the people and services that offer support for those dealing with a death or grief.

I want to understand Covid-19.

Covid-19 has changed us. No tiny community anywhere in the world is able to escape it or its consequences. So how does this affect us and how does it affect the way we care for those who are dying? Our articles under this heading will help you find answers.

We’ve got other plans for the Good Grief! website and e-newsletter, which we’ll roll out this year. So watch this space!

But in the meantime, we hope our new Resource Hub makes it easier for you to work with us.

And don’t forget to get in touch with your ideas and suggestions. We always find them incredibly useful!