
13 questions about aged care for your local politician

Photo by Eberhard Grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Updated 15 March, 2022.

Aged Care Reform Now (ACRN) asked if we would give their ‘13 questions – where do you stand on aged care’ campaign some publicity. It’s a year since the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety – but there hasn’t been enough improvement to aged care in Australia in response. So ACRN says, in the lead up to the Federal election, it’s time to make aged care reform a major election issue. And we agree.

They’ve produced a survey which you can fill in yourself, so they can find out what every day Australians think about the state of aged care in this country.

And then you can send it to your local Federal politician.

Asking your local politician for his or her answer could make a real difference to aged care in this election.

“Aged care is likely to be a key issue in the upcoming federal election, and could have a major influence on the outcome, according to polls, providers, unions and peak bodies,” reports Caroline Egan in Hello Care, March 15.

It’s a simple online survey which you can reach here

“The 13 questions cover both home care and residential care, and have been voted by Aged Care Reform Now ACRN membership as the most important issues facing aged care – quality of care, a well-trained and remunerated workforce, transparency and accountability,” said Amina Schipp, of ACRN.

“We need to keep the pressure on politicians on all sides, to clearly understand that Australians demand aged care reform that results in a quality, safe and efficient aged care system now and for generations to come,” she said.

“There has been significant focus recently on the fallout from the Aged Care Royal Commission and the devastating impacts COVID has had on the elderly. But there are also major reforms underway and Australians have the chance to influence these changes,” she added.

Where Do You Stand on Aged Care?

Click through to the ACRN survey.

“We also want our elected officials to be transparent on their views about aged care, so that voters can make a clear choice on election day,” she said.

So they ask you to email the survey to your local politicians and candidates to ask them to complete it.

ACRN will publish those elected member and candidate responses on its website, so we can all easily scrutinise the commitment of our politicians to improving aged care.

See Caroline Egan’s HelloCare report “How Aged Care Policies could decide the next federal election.”

To find out more about Aged Care Reform Now, go to:

Read our interview with Cecilia Webster form Aged Care Reform, about why the threat of Omicron is worse than it needs to be in Australia’s aged care sector.