
Book review: The Museum Of Words


When I got back from my recent travels in country NSW with family, I found this posting to her followers from Susan Wyndham. Thank you for sharing your thoughts Susan. The genre of reflecting on death and what it means, continues to grow.

From Susan: “You might be interested in The Museum of Words, a beautiful memoir by Australian writer Georgia Blain, who died of brain cancer last December. Here’s my review. If you don’t know her work, I highly recommend her earlier books, including her first memoir, Births Deaths Marriages, and her final novel, Between a Wolf and a Dog, which by coincidence was about a woman with brain cancer.”


1 thought on “Book review: The Museum Of Words”

  1. Sounds like a wonderful read…ordering now! I remember her mothers book well ‘Tell me I’m here’ as being a heart wrenching read. So many conversations to have..thanks Margaret for your wonderful work! I have just finished “the Afterlife of Billy Fingers” by Annie Kagan… a ‘modern account on life after death’…loved it. x

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