
An intensive care specialist’s insight.

An intensive care specialist's ...Doing What we do every day, as well as we can, photo courtesy Inside Story
Photo courtesy Inside Story.

The following article by Australian intensive care expert Professor Ken Hillman, in Inside Story, gives insight into the way Covid-19 is being managed by intensive care teams and the health system more generally.

There are a couple of things to note.

He points out that it is a very specific disease. In layman’s terms this means many people who are sick with it won’t have early and rapid involvement of other organs so have a fighting chance.

He observes that people, even in their 90s, are surviving after Covid-19.

But of course this good news needs to be flipped another way, so that we can understand other implications. At this stage it seems that only lungs are badly affected. It’s good that it’s only one body ‘system’. But the downside is, the assault can become savage quickly – and this means those whose lungs are vulnerable already, for whatever reason, must be extremely cautious.