There were so many stories shared at our Understand Death Better Q&A on June 1, as people asked about what was on their minds.
It was at The Ron Dyer Centre, St Mary’s Church, North Sydney.
Spontaneously, medical oncologist Dr Fran Boyle and Patricia Thomas of Grief Care, and host Fr Richard Leonard, SJ, responded to the needs in the room, sharing their knowledge. And of course our sponsors Michael Perkins of Autonomy First Lawyers, Rachel O’Connor of Flourix Wealth and Stephanie Kelly of Personal Farewells Funerals all took the microphone to give information they were best placed to share.

Having brought this subject to many audiences for some years now, it’s fascinating to see how different each audience is. Each has its own concerns, ways of expressing things. Issues change and preoccupations shift – confirming that while death is universal, many of our responses to it are cultural. Of course a core set are not, they go to the fundamental question, why does life have to end and what does this mean?
Good Grief! continues to make it’s way. Readership climbs, more businesses are sharing information about their services on our Business Directory , the book that started this all, A Good Death, continues to sell.
But it’s these words, turning words to action and shared by Fr Richard, in his reflection in his parish bulletin afterwards that are the most important:
“If there are people in the parish who would like to form an ongoing grief support group, I would be delighted to hear from you.“
To hear Dr Boyle talking about metastatic breast cancer, go to the following:
More people will die in old age than from cancer. So is death painful or more like uncomfortable?
And here is an article by one of our sponsors who answered questions about finances at the talk, Financial Adviser Rachel O’Connor:
And here are other articles from Good Grief!
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