
Join us for an ‘Understand Death Better’ Q&A session at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre.

Understand Death Better - Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, May 22, 2023.
Understand Death Better – Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre, May 22, 2023.

Join us at Kirribilli for Understand Death Better. It’s not an easy topic – that’s why we always provide a cup of tea afterwards. But understanding a few basic points, and getting directions about accessing the resources you need will make life a lot easier going forward.

Research shows that so many people have so many questions about death and dying – and don’t know where to find the answers. Our recent session at the Mosman Seniors Centre was a real success – with people telling us afterwards they were so glad they came along.

We’d like you to take our short survey when you book, so we know what is on your mind. But we’ll also give you an opportunity to ask your questions on the day.

Don’t forget to book first. To do that ring the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre at 9922 4428.

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you on May 22, when you join us at the Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre.

To find out more about the Centre, go to: