Updated February 2022
Jean Kittson’s latest role is caring for her parents in the challenging, frustrating time of COVID-19. My interview with Jean appears in this week’s editions of Mosman Daily, North Shore Times and The Daily Telegraph.
Like so many of us today, Jean – well-known Australian commentator, actor, and comedian – is living the daily reality of COVID-19. In the story she shares its impacts on managing the needs of Elaine, 95, and Roy, 93.
Jean is so committed to the concept of caring for her parents that she wrote a book on the subject, We Need to Talk about Mum and Dad: a practical guide to parenting our ageing parents, published by Pan Macmillan earlier this year.
What do this book and Good Grief have in common? Well they intersect in some practical ways as well as the ethereal.
Not to put too fine a point on it, helping people in old age involves helping us adjust as challenges and griefs are thrown at us faster and faster. The point comes in such a book, when the subject of death needs to be faced – which Jean does with insight, but particularly in Chapter Fifteen, See You Later.
Jean’s book, is a wonderful mix of humour and wisdom.
For example the line: “For it is a puzzle of humanity that pain can be remembered but not recalled, but grief unexpressed can be both.”
Seeing my interview with Jean Kittson involves a few steps! But I’d love you to take these. Go to:
In the Mosman Daily the cover headline is Love and Trust and you’ll know you’ve come to the right one because you’ll see a beautiful photo of Jean with Elaine and Roy. If you’re searching for it, its also called Jean Kittson: Caring for the elderly in the age of COVID
To find out more about Jean’s book, go to:

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