
A reader’s suggestion.

Matthew and his late wife Jenni
Matthew and his late wife Jenni

This week we shared the story of Matthew with subscribers to the Good Grief! newsletter. (To reach it, go to:

The story explains how Matthew was counting on his social connections to overcome his grief. But that opportunity is now denied him because of the social distancing and stay at home requirements imposed by Covid-19.

We spoke to psychiatrist Michelle Atchison about her suggestions for Matthew to help overcome this. See

One of our newsletter subscribers had this additional suggestion.

“I am keeping in touch with Quest for Life and Petrea King. I don’t know if you have heard about them.”

“If it’s any help to Matthew, Quest is having regular sessions on Facebook called @Home with Quest, each day at 11am and 7.30 pm. They are great sessions with short talks and short meditation practise. A way to keep connected with others and the talks really help, positive info.”

To connect with Petra King’s daily online programs, go to the following link:

Follow this Facebook link to reach @Home with Quest.