
Spotlight on the ‘Good Death, Good Life’ expo, Brisbane.

A shout out about the Good Life Good Death Expo being held in Brisbane, tomorrow December 1, 2019.

Its promotion says: “No taboos, embracing all of life” which makes it a perfect project to share through Good Grief.

The people behind the expo are ‘Compassionate Communities’.

This is: “A global movement working to shift the way we respond to death and dying. It’s about communities identifying ways we can support each other at end of life.”

Compassionologist at work

Gillian Hall, who’s helped start the Sunshine Coast Compassionate Community, describing herself as a ‘compassionologist,’ explains why she’s involved: “The reason why I’m so attracted to Compassionate Communities is that I love engaging with different communities and every day hear lots of different stories about ageing, death, dying and grieving.

“Magic happens when you bring people together and they share their stories.”

That has been striking this year whenever I’ve run a talk for A Good Death: a compassionate and practical guide to prepare for the end of life. When Gillian and I met at the Avid Reader Bookshop in Brisbane in May this year the newly grieving, community workers and nurses and doctors shared stories.

But when stories are shared, it’s great to see talking continue and it’s great that so many people are now cottoning on to this.

When Compassionate Communities began in another part of Queensland, on the Gold Coast this year they said: “This is an important conversation for your whole community. You will receive information and participate in discussion including: how to become a more compassionate neighbour, what community services and supports are currently available and explore what a compassionate community would look like in your neighbourhood.

Everyone is invited.”

Make it fun – death is part of life

Palliative Care Queensland (PCQ), also involved in the Good Life Good Death Expo explains why it’s involved:“Too often we find conversations and information about death hidden from public view and rarely do we see the word death appear in the public space in relation to end of life care.

PCQ asked people what they wanted?
Their response: “Information”

PCQ asked people how they wanted it delivered?
Their response “openly, honestly and in a friendly environment

And many added “make it fun… death is a part of life”

To find out more about Sunday’s expo, or how to organise one in your own town, go to:

To find out more about the background to compassionate communities, go to:

To follow compassionate communities on Facebook, go to:

And you can visit their website The Groundswell Project to learn more about compassionate communities and the unique Health Connector Model which works to bridge the divide between formal healthcare and patients by activating informal care networks, addressing Advance Care Planning and connecting patients with services as needed.