
A Good Death is here

Thanks to the wonderful people at Murdoch Books A Good Death: a compassionate and practical guide to prepare for the end of life is now published.

To pre-order just follow this link:

or this one:

What the publishers say:

This is a guide to facilitate much needed conversation and provide resources for grief management and palliative care.

When her own mother died, the author of this book realised how completely unprepared she and her family had been for the experience of companioning a loved who is dying. So she decided to go in search of the information she couldn’t find when she most needed it and write the book herself – a novice’s guide to death.

We live in a period of intense death denial. But what if we were to smash that taboo and ask questions we want answered, like how do we know when someone is close to dying, and how do we best care for them? What actually happens to our body when we die? How do we work with medical experts? How do we deal with the non-medical issues that will come up, such as wills, finances and even social media passwords? Is morphine used to nudge death along or is this just a myth? Where do questions about euthanasia fit in with personal, lived experience?

Margaret Rice lifts the lid on the taboos that surround death, sharing practical information and compassionate advice from multiple sources to break down boundaries and offer better choices of care to suit individual needs. This is a book to help the dying and their carers feel less isolated, and help us face death better.

To learn more about Margaret catch her Author Q and A on the Woollahra Municipal Council site.

To hear Margaret speak about the book listen here as she is interviewed for Weekends on Money FM 89.3.

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