Authentic Education

Authentic Education
Quynh Vu
Australia Wide

This September, Authentic Education along with Benjamin J Harvey will run their next online course via Zoom.

Called "How To Become A Highly Successful Coach" the course teaches anyone to become a highly successful coach. A component and powerful technique covered in the course is "self-coaching". Authentic Education believes self-coaching will be valuable for individuals looking to manage their grief as it will enable them to navigate and heal from their grief with greater resilience and self-awareness.

Ben is a renowned International Coach Federation certified coach and trainer. He is Australia’s only two-time Australian Financial Review Award-winning coach, and has trained over 2,000 coaches from 21+ countries since 2009. The Huffington Post says "Authentic Education is Australia's leading training company helping people do what they love".

To learn more or get your complimentary ticket, click here now