
The deathbed vision

Michael-Barbato. (2) -Photo-Adam-Knott-The-Australian-
Dr Michael Barbato, photo by Adam Knott, The Australian 

“With impending death, the circulation slows, the heartbeat weakens, and the breathing gets slower or more irregular, but just as the heart beat and breathing case, the brain seems to have a burst of activity.” – So says Dr Michael Barbato in a recent interview.

The interview can be found at Sydney’s Daily Telegraph. It reminds us that we know so little about the process of dying. It’s also a great introduction to Dr Barbato – who has so many insights into how to be at the deathbed of those we love.

If this is difficult to find google:

Dying patients study reveals ‘brain surge’ in final moments of life by Jordan Baker.The Sunday Telegraph, June 4, 2017 12:00am.

(Thank you to Gary Pullar for suggesting this posting)

For more of Michael Barbato’s insights, go to:

Some of Michael Barbato’s books are:

Reflections of a Setting Sun (2009)

Caring for the Living and the Dying (2010)

Midwifing Death (2014)

The BBC shared a terrific article on the Near Death Experiences or the brain’s last hurrah due to electrical surges.

And Sandra Moon reviewed the Netflix series Surviving Death which features end of life visions.

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